Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Activity 1_Intro to Psychology

Activity 1_Intro to Psychology

Q ACTIVITY 1 Refer to Maslow’s Diagram of Basic Human Needs - We all have these needs all our lives. Meeting them is our first priority. Thinking Questions: (1) What negative emotions do you think could result from not having EACH of these needs met? (Address each need separately.) (2) How could having all these needs met help a person become all that he/she could be. (Be specific.)Moscow's Diagram of Basic Needs

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According to Maslow, every human being has five basic needs, physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization, and fulfilling them is something that is a priority for all. To achieve them every person undertakes different tasks and creates different goals so that one by one, all of them are materialized and one can feel confident and motivated to continue putting in efforts. However, since the accomplishment of the needs requires various sacrifices and various levels of efforts, at times there could be an emotional conflict between each, and this can lead to the various breakdown of capacity and adjustment.